How Commercial Property Owners Ensure Building Safety During Year-end Holiday Season
12/8/2021 (Permalink)

Many Commercial business owners are decorating their properties with Holiday decorations, some are also hosting a year-end event right there on the property.
It’s a way to say thank you to employees, enjoy some good food, maybe games and raffles. One thing to consider is how to do this safely.
Here are seven helpful recommendations to help commercial property owners boost holiday safety at their properties:
- Use fire retardant decorations. Choose and install only decorative materials that will not fuel flames.
- Place decorations wisely so they don’t impede safety systems: sprinkler systems (never hang anything from sprinkler heads), emergency exits, fire alarm pulls, fire extinguishers, hose cabinets, exit signs and fire doors.
- Shun open flames like candles, instead choosing cool lighting like LED bulbs and low wattage illumination. Be particularly careful with holiday cooking, even if conducted outdoors. More than a few fires have been sparked when celebrants explosively deep fried a frozen turkey.
- Don’t overtax electrical circuits and devices. Always follow manufacturer directions for string lights. Don’t overload power strips or outlets.
- Reduce slip, trip and fall hazards such as lighting cords across walkways. During decoration installation and removal, use ladders carefully. If viewers will visit outdoors to appreciate decorations and displays, illuminate walkways and keep them free of snow and ice.
- Put lighting and powered decorations on timers to reduce fire hazards. Few people view commercial holiday decorations during the overnight hours. Timers reduce electricity costs, too.
- Inspect building safety devices during the decoration process. This is an ideal time to verify that smoke alarms, fire extinguishers and carbon monoxide detectors have been properly maintained and are operable.
We don’t want to be distracted from the more important things. Pay attention to safety, reduce the likely hood of damage to buildings by monitoring hazards and more importantly, ensuring the safety of all occupants.
Call SERVPRO of West Riverside City with damage caused by fire, we take the stress of the business owner, ensure the safety of staff members and we can make it, "Like it never even happened."