How Can Riverside Businesses and Residents Participate in National ShakeOut Day?
10/14/2020 (Permalink)

While COVID-19 has brought many uncertainties and challenges, one thing's for sure: ShakeOut is still happening this year!
What and when is ShakeOut? How do I / we participate? Here is information from
At a minimum, ShakeOut is a one-minute earthquake drill - you decide when, how, and where you want do it, and with whom.
This annual date was selected back in 2009, when most schools agreed this was the best time. In 2020, International ShakeOut Day is October 15. Everyone, everywhere should know how to protect themselves during an earthquake! Thus, anyone can participate - ShakeOut is for everyone.
You or your organization, however, may hold your ShakeOut drill on another day of the year that you find most convenient. This means that wherever you are at the date and time you designate—at home, at work, at school, anywhere—at the very least you should practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On as if there were a major earthquake occurring at that very moment, and stay in this position for one minute (or more, as you see fit).
You can always do much more for your ShakeOut, such as a response or tabletop exercise, communications test, or activity in which you secure items that could fall or fly in a real earthquake. Learn more:
The main goal of the ShakeOut is to get the world prepared for earthquakes, so use the ShakeOut as an opportunity to learn what to do before, during, and after an earthquake.
Everyone, everywhere should participate, from an individual in their home (or even car!) to a school and even a major corporate office. Talk to your friends, family, and co-workers about the ShakeOut and encourage their participation.
Register for free at to be counted and listed in your community, get email updates, and have the peace of mind knowing you can deal with any earthquake in our future.
How do I protect myself in an earthquake? I have heard about Drop, Cover, and Hold On, but what happened to the "Doorframe" or "Triangle of Life" theory? Why shouldn't I run outside?
The safest thing to do during an earthquake is "Drop, Cover, and Hold On," as described at This special report describes how the "Triangle of Life" is promoted with greatly exaggerated or wrong information, and is potentially very dangerous. Running outside or getting into a doorway is not recommended as objects that are falling and flying can injure you , even cause you to trip and fall, as you move and are upright.
Do you have audio or video to help guide our ShakeOut drill?
Yes! Please see for versions you can download in English and Spanish (audio and video).
How do I register for ShakeOut? Why should I?
Register for free at to be counted and listed in your community, get email updates, and have the peace of mind knowing you can deal with any earthquake in our future.
As always, you can hold your #ShakeOut drill when and where you want. You can choose another date or several dates, and include people in multiple locations (home, work, or school), perhaps through video conferencing.
It's actually a good idea to practice earthquake safety in different situations each year.
Watch this video to prepare kids: